

Much sleeker and sharper (literally) than a honeybee, wasps are a terror for children, pets, and anyone foolish enough to try wasp nest removal without the proper tools or protection. Their sting is quite painful, and when their nest is threatened, they can attack in a swarm in defense.

Naturally, the location they choose to create their nests is in dark confined spaces where they can safely raise their eggs out of sight. Hosing their nests down with a water hose may seem like an effective wasp nest removal strategy, but it does not get rid of the eggs that are still inside the nest. And this is to say nothing of the vengeful wasps that are experts at identifying threats. If your property suffers from an influx of wasps, turn to Nature’s Gate for effective wasp control services!

What kind of wasps do I have to look out for in St. George?

Yellowjackets, hornets, and paper wasps are all common types of wasps found in the warm and sunny climate of St. George. Paper wasps are the typical wasps you imagine when you hear the word wasp. Hornets are a larger variety of wasp that can build nests in high areas and under the ground. Yellowjackets can often be mistaken for honeybees because of their coloring, but make no mistake, yellowjackets are distinctly wasps.

Each of these wasp types is social, meaning that they live together in nests as a colony. Depending on the species, colonies vary in size. Paper wasp colonies average less than 100 adults, while hornet colonies may have up to 1000 adults. However, yellowjackets can create massive nests that house colonies of 1000–3000 on average but can hold as many as 100,000.

What general concerns should I have about wasps?

During the summer months, wasps seek a home that is concealed away from the heat. This means the outdoor crevices in your roof eaves and soffits, within window wells, and even inside the metal tubing of a trampoline. When you see wasps emerging continually from one of these hiding spaces, you will know that a nest is not far behind.

Your first instinct will be to hose wasps down or purchase an insect killer spray to wipe them out. Even with the strong formulas designed to take care of them, some species of wasps are very tough. The improper application of these sprays will not kill the hive or the wasps effectively.

Wasps become the most dangerous when their nest is threatened. Contrary to popular belief, wasp nest removal isn’t a necessity because wasps never reuse a nest. The proper way to get rid of wasps is to treat the nest and ensure the larva inside are eliminated.

The most susceptible to the danger of wasps are pets and children that come too near to a nest and provoke an attack. This is especially life-threatening if your child has an allergy to wasp stings. Another note to remember: wasps are not honeybees and do not lose their stingers when they sting a person or animal. They can, in fact, sting multiple times if provoked.

What should I do to prevent a wasp infestation?

As a general rule, it’s always easier to prevent animal and insect infestations than it is to address one that already exists. Wasps can build nests wherever they have adequate food and shelter to survive. Removing access to those two resources as much as you can will lessen the chances of a wasp colony forming. To keep wasps away from your home, try the following steps:

  • Seal off any entry points. Walk around your home and pay attention to any cracks near the windows or doors, as well as any crevices near where utility pipes enter the building or holes in screens or soffits. Sealing off these access points with caulk or a repair makes it much harder for wasps to find their way inside.
  • Remove water sources. Taking away easy access to water can encourage wasps to go elsewhere. Find ways to eliminate standing water in and around your home, such as in potted plants, under leaky pipes, or near downspouts.
  • Remove food sources. Wasps are attracted to sugary substances. Whenever your family is outside, keep food and drinks covered, and pick up any fruit or berries that fall from trees or bushes in your yard. When throwing out the trash, ensure bags are tied closed and that garbage can lids fit securely.
  • Check for nests. Especially during the warmer months, pay attention to what’s happening around your home or yard and be on the lookout for wasp nests and wasps flying around a central location. If you find the beginnings of a colony, even if it’s still small, you’ll want to have it removed immediately before it can grow. Regularly check your garage, sheds, soffits and siding, and other likely locations.
  • Work with a professional pest control company. Pest control companies like Nature’s Gate are highly experienced in preventing insect and animal infestations and can advise you on the best way to protect your home and property. During one of our wasp control services, our technicians will work with you to identify any weak spots at your property and develop a comprehensive prevention plan.

Wasps are very common insects, with more than 100,000 different species around the world, and a wasp infestation could still occur within your home even if you do everything on this list. If you spot wasps flying around where you live or eat, it’s important to take quick action in getting wasp control near you.

How can Nature’s Gate help get rid of wasps?

Nature’s Gate Pest Control technicians have the tools and the experience to safely treat wasp nests and ensure that the existing population of wasps does not return. With your help to identify trouble spots, we perform a full examination of your home and get to work right away. We wear protective suits designed to stop wasps from piercing through with their stingers and apply a human-friendly and biodegradable solution of chemicals right to the nest to halt their growth.
Remember, if you have a wasp problem that doesn’t seem to go away, call on Nature’s Gate for wasp pest control. Contact us today to solve your wasp infestation!